FOP 9 Meeting Minutes
The Friends of Pool 9 (FOP9) Board of Directors met at the Driftless Area Education & Visitor Center. President Alex Galema. called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Directors in attendance were, Bob Henkel, Larry Quamme, Jerry Boardman, Kevin Quillin, John Verdon, Blake Schoh, Alex Galema, John Mitchell, Bruce ReVoir, Sue English and Christa Hall. Also attending Director Elect Ric Zarwell and Kendra Pednault, FWS.
Approve Minutes – 10/10/22 – On motion by John M., second by Kevin, the minutes were approved as written.
Financial Report – Larry presented the report for the period of 1/1/22 to 10/31/22. Income for the period is $99,444.99, expenses total $27,044.80 with cash being $147,260.37 on 10/31/22. After discussion, Bob moved to approve the financial report and also place $100,000 in a 24-month CD at Kerndt Saving Bank, Lansing. Following the second by John V., the motion carried.
Replace Computer – Larry indicated that the FOP9 owned laptop was purchased in 2014 and after 9 years experienced some issues. Quotes from Siebring Enterprises, New Albin were presented. After discussion, John V. moved, Kevin offered the second, and the option for the Acer Intel at $928.00 was approved. Software costing $90.00 may also be required.
Fish & Wildlife Items – Kendra indicated that a video on the “Voluntary Avoidance Area” and also some yard signs to educate hunters, would be available for the 2024 season. FOP9 will assist with distribution on the FaceBook page and website. She also informed the directors that the federal budget was flat lined and several positions will not be filled. The plans for the new district office in Harpers Ferry continue in the design phase at about 65% completed. Costs are exceeding estimates so work continues on design and possible increased budget funds. She also reported that the Reno Project will be entering the comment period shortly and Alex indicated that he and Ric had attended the open house in New Albin recently where plans were displayed and they provided some details. A handout “An Introduction to Common Species” provided by the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife & Fish refuge has been given to MRAD students. There is a need to obtain more copies. Kendra will be checking on options for more copies but her office does have 40 or so copies for the 2023 MRAD event. She also indicated that the district 2023 work plan would be developed and shared with the FOP9 Board.
2023 Committee Assignments – FOP9 committee assignments were finalized and the secretary will distribute the listing to board members.
Youth Scholarship Levels – With the success of the annual raffle, Sue, a member of the scholarship committee, proposed that increased levels of support be considered. The proposal increased the two College Scholarships to $1,000, the 2 Technical college to $750 and the one good citizenship award to $500 at each of the two high schools. Sue moved to approve the $8,000 annual cost and on the second from Christa, the motion was approved.
Ferryville Eagle Day – The written request from the Ferryville Tourism Council was discussed.
Sue agreed to represent the FOP9 on the Eagle Day Planning Committee. On motion by John V., second by Jerry, the board approved that the FOP9 will co-sponsor the event and donate the requested $1,000. The FOP9 will also have a booth and will sell clothes and take donations.
2023 Board Meeting Dates – Dates for Board Meetings in 2023 will be; March 13, May 8, July 10, October 9 and November 13. Following the by-laws, the annual meeting will be scheduled for September 23.
2022 Year-End Newsletter – John reviewed the articles and noted the ones that need to be received by 11/18 enabling him to provide content to the printer.
100 Year Refuge Anniversary – Ric and Larry presented an overview of the planning committee ideas. Early in 2023 they will be able to provide more details and budget requests to the board.
Pool 9 Bass Tournaments – Alex followed up after the October meeting with Karen Osterkamp, Iowa DNR. He read an email from her noting that she will be putting together a statewide tournament committee as she indicated there are many concerns coming to their attention. She indicated she would stay in touch.
2022 River Landing Porta Potties – The board discussed the end date based on the change in weather. The secretary was directed to notify the vendor to pick up all the units.
Pool 9 Map – Blake indicated and suggested there is a need for a good map needed for Pool 9 noting maintained beaches, trails, danger locations and information that would be of assistance to visitors to our area. The idea will be on the projects list.
Adjournment – On motion by Jerry, second by Blake, the meeting adjourned at 8:40pm.
Next Board Meeting March 13, 2023.
Larry Quamme