Conserving the water, land, fish and wildlife of Pool 9 within the upper Mississippi River—all 35,169 acres of it.

Whether on the water or along the bank, the natural splendor of Pool 9 can be seen from every direction. Encompassing over 35,000 acres of the upper Mississippi River, Pool 9 extends 31.3 miles from Lynxville to Genoa, Wisconsin, bordering Iowa and Minnesota.
Year after year, people come to Pool 9 for its abundant beauty, as well as for its diverse fish and wildlife population. At Friends of Pool 9, we’re committed to ensuring that Pool 9 remains a thriving outdoor recreation destination for years to come.
If you share our vision to conserve the natural resources of Pool 9, we encourage you to join our cause and become a member of Friends of Pool 9 today. Our organization includes individuals, families and businesses: all friends who care about Pool 9.